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HomeDIETThe Mayo Diet: How To Lose Weight With Eggs And Grapefruit

The Mayo Diet: How To Lose Weight With Eggs And Grapefruit

The Mayo Diet was particularly popular in the 1980s. But be forewarned: This diet method is only suitable for die-hards. Because eating (almost) only eggs for 14 days requires iron self-discipline. Don’t worry. The mayo diet doesn’t get its name because you’re supposed to eat so much mayonnaise. However, the slimming diet is affluent in protein, more later. The name comes from the place of origin of the diet, which was developed at the renowned Mayo Clinic.

A balanced and healthy diet is always better than extreme dieting; this way, you are spared the yo-yo effect that everyone fears. If you still want to lose weight and eat consciously, then Clean Eating could be the correct method.

How Does The Mayo Diet Work?

The Mayo Diet is a weight loss program divided into two phases. The first phase is an extreme, strict, calorie-restricted weight loss program. The duration of the first phase of the Mayo Diet is designed for two weeks. It provides for an average food intake of a maximum of 1000 calories per day.

A Large Number Of Foods Are Forbidden In Phase 1 Of The Mayo Diet:

Fat, sugar, starchy vegetables, legumes, dairy products and almost all fruits (except grapefruit).

Here’s What Happens In Phase Two Of The Mayo Diet:

The original diet was revised so that a second phase was introduced in the clinic. It teaches patients who want to lose weight a healthy lifestyle. In doing so, they learn to discard bad habits to replace them with new, better habits.

In addition to a feeling of a healthy, balanced diet, exercise also plays a significant role. The aim is daily physical training of at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t always have to be a hard workout; even walking counts as exercise.

Suppose you want to lose weight permanently and have failed on all diets. In that case, you must change your behaviour, especially concerning food. Here many need a new start. A cure is well suited for this. Anyone who manages to do this, adopts a healthier lifestyle and learns good eating habits can achieve their weight loss goal and keep the successes permanent.

Main Components Of The Mayo Diet

In the Mayo Diet, grapefruit is an essential component of the first phase of the weight loss program. The citrus fruit is said to help burn fat.

The same goes for the eggs: the Mayo Diet recommends eating six eggs daily. Because they provide essential nutrients and are particularly rich in protein, however, they are low in calories and fill you up nicely. A little helper for boiling eggs: the Pieper cooks with the hot water and plays different melodies depending on how hard it is. 

Mayo Diet: A Typical Phase 1 Daily Menu

  • Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, two hard-boiled eggs, unsweetened tea or coffee, one rusk
  • Lunch: 2 eggs (fat-free cooked) or alternately 100 g meat, any number of tomatoes, ½ grapefruit, unsweetened tea or coffee
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, green salad, celery, any amount of cucumber, one rusk, unsweetened tea or coffee.

Mayo Diet: How Much Weight Can You Lose?

If you follow the diet plan exactly, you can lose between 3 and 5 kilos within two weeks. That’s a lot! As a rule, you lose weight much more slowly and weight loss programs that plan to yield more than 500 g per week are very questionable. By slowly losing weight on a diet, the dreaded yo-yo effect can be counteracted, among other things.

Benefits Of The Mayo Diet

The diet is easy to use, cheap and requires no culinary skills. Since the calorie rate is meagre, you lose a lot.

A lot is now happening online (in English), so you can join the diet program from anywhere. The Mayo Clinic’s regimen aims to teach its patients better eating habits.

Disadvantages Of The Mayo Diet

The first phase of the diet is only intended for two weeks: if it were to last longer, it would endanger the metabolism because the calorie intake is insufficient for the organism. Deficiency symptoms of calcium, potassium, other minerals and vitamins are inevitable.

It is not uncommon for this diet to result in signs of tiredness and exhaustion because the organism has to draw the necessary energy from its fat cells and muscle or bone mass.

A one-sided diet with a lot of eggs can have adverse effects on cholesterol in some people and strain the cardiovascular system in the long term. Excessive protein intake can also hurt the kidneys in some people.

After the diet, the pounds (or even more) lost with great effort usually quickly find their way back onto the hips if phase two is not emphasized. Also, the diet can lead to a long-term aversion to eggs.

Do Not Follow The Mayo Diet Without Medical Supervision!

Very Important: The Mayo Diet is extreme and can have serious health consequences without medical advice. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have the diet supervised by a doctor or a nutritionist.

An Important Note At The End: Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don’t let others pressure you. However, an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

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