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5:2 Diet: Lose Weight With Only 2 Fasting Days Per Week?

The 5:2 diet is new secret weapon against stubborn pounds: fast for 2 days, feast for five days. tell you what weight loss concept is about. Does that sound good! Stick to a diet two days a week, normally eat for the remaining five days, and still lose weight. According to the study results of the 5: 2 diet, this is exactly what should work.

But can you lose weight quickly, or at least in the long term, with this method? And is this form of intermittent fasting healthy too? We took a closer look at what is behind the 5: 2 fasting.

The Study Behind The 5:2 Diet

The scientists at Manchester University Hospital, England, compared three diet programs with one another:

The first group ate a Mediterranean diet based on a maximum calorie intake of 1,500 kcal per day.

The second group normally ate five days a week. On two days, they were only allowed to consume a maximum of 600 kcal, and only 40 grams of the diet were allowed to be carbohydrates.

The last group ate a healthy and balanced diet but almost completely avoided carbohydrates two days a week. Bread and Co. were taboo. A portion of fruit and vegetables with a low carbohydrate content was allowed.

The Surprising Result: groups two and three lost almost twice as much on average as group one, which consistently ate a maximum of 1,500 kcal per day. The percentage of abdominal fat in groups two and three had also decreased more than in group one.

Eat Five Days, Fast Two Days

The principle of the 5: 2 diet is very simple. The keyword is Temporary or intermittent fasting!

Fasting in this context does not mean that you do not have to eat anything and completely forego food. It’s all about maintaining a healthy diet despite fasting. But still, several calories must be adhered to:

  • Women: a maximum of 500 kcal per day.
  • Men: a maximum of 600 kcal per day.

The normal amount of 2000 calories is allowed on the remaining days.

You can decide for yourself on which days you want to fast. It is important that you set two consecutive days to fast.

What Can You Eat On The “Not” Fasting Days?

Anyone who believes they can feast without end on non-fasting days is mistaken. Also, on these days, you should pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit and enough protein. Fruit and vegetables should be included with every meal.

The motto is: Eat, yes, but don’t overeat! Fast food, sugary drinks, and chocolate should only be eaten in moderation.

500 Calories During The Fasting Days

Counting calories is not necessary on fasting days because there are no guidelines for eating. Whether carbohydrates, fat, or protein – everyone can eat according to their preferences. However, foods that are high in fiber and protein are best.

Carbohydrates are less good because they don’t keep you full for so long. Finally, you only have 500 calories a day.

This means lots of vegetables, fruit, and fish in plain language. As with any other diet, it is also important that you drink a lot. Water and tea are ideal and make you feel full.

Short-term fasting provides positive impulses for the metabolism. As a result, the dreaded yo-yo effect does not occur so easily, as the body cannot get used to the deficiency.

Recipe Ideas For The Fasting Days:

Bacon And Egg Muffins For Breakfast: 165 Kcal/Piece

Bacon and egg muffins are great for breakfast, and best of all, they’re super easy to make and ready in minutes.

You Need (6 Servings):

  • 12 slices of bacon
  • Three slices of toast bread
  • Six eggs
  • One pinch of salt and pepper
  • chives
  • Muffin tin or muffin liners

That’s How It Works:

  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees top/bottom heat.
  • Line the wells of the muffin tray or the muffin tins with bacon on edge.
  • Now debark and crumble the toast slices. Add the crumbs to the bacon in the muffin pan and press firmly.
  • Spread the eggs over the muffins.
  • Bake the whole thing on the middle rack in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes. The muffins are ready when the egg white has solidified.
  • Chop the chives and garnish the finished muffins with them.

Minced Meat And Vegetable Pan: 329 Kcal/Portion

You Need (2 Servings):

  • 150 g mushrooms
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 350 grams of minced meat
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 200 ml of hot water
  • 1/2 vegetable stock cube
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning

That’s How It Works:

  • Mix the hot water and the vegetable stock cubes to make a concentrated stock.
  • Clean the vegetables, cut the mushrooms into slices, and the peppers and zucchini into cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
  • Fry the minced meat in a pan with a little oil. Then add the onions and garlic.
  • Then take everything out of the pan and fry the vegetables.
  • Add the minced meat and onion mixture again and deglaze with the vegetable stock. Simmer the mixture, occasionally stirring, until the liquid has evaporated.
  • Then season with salt and pepper. Complete!

That Is What The 2-Day Diet Can Bring

Intermittent fasting is always easier than strict hardcore diets – after all, you only have to do without two days and can normally eat on the remaining days.

Nutritionists are also positive about the 5: 2 diet: Intermittent fasting does not harm your health. It helps improve insulin sensitivity. That means: the body has to produce less insulin to bring the blood sugar to a normal level after a meal. This can lower the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia, and even some forms of cancer.

However, before you start with the 5: 2 diet, you should speak to a doctor beforehand and have a health check carried out.

ALSO READ: Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Apple Cider Vinegar & Co. Are Delicious!


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