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HomeNUTRITION & RECIPIESWhy Do Chocolate Chips Fall To The Bottom Of The Cake?

Why Do Chocolate Chips Fall To The Bottom Of The Cake?

Banana bread, pound cake, wipe cake, or even basic cake are greatly improved when you add a couple of chocolate chips! Indeed, regardless of how cautiously you set up your bite, the bits of chocolate tumble to the lower part of the form without you knowing why. If this doesn’t change the flavor of your cake, it can influence its appearance and your certainty as a beginner bread cook! Luckily, Truc Insanity carries you 4 answers to cure this!

A Question Of Density And Gravity

Assuming the chocolate chips you add to your cake hitter tumble to the lower part of the skillet, everything revolves around thickness and gravity. Assuming your cake player is less thick than your chocolate chips, the last option’s weight will irremediably draw them to the base! It’s essentially an issue of physical science! Even though you can’t change the heaviness of your chocolate chips, you can change the thickness of your cake hitter or the speed at which your chips will fall into the crude cake player.

4 Solutions To Prevent Chocolate Chips From Falling To The Bottom Of The Mold

Rest Your Dough In The Cold

To make your dough denser, do not hesitate to prepare it well in advance, ideally the day before, before letting it rest in the refrigerator. Resting in the cold will allow the fat in your cake to set and the flour to thicken, giving much more density to your cake batter. Add the chocolate chips once your batter has remained in the cold, and they should have a more challenging time falling to the bottom of your cake when baking.

This solution only works with cakes in which we put baking powder to make them rise, such as cake, yogurt cake, pound cake, or even banana bread. Cakes that rise thanks to the sole action of whipped egg whites (sponge cake, sponge cakes, etc.) cannot stand remaining and must be put in the oven immediately; otherwise, they will come out of the oven completely flattened!

Don’t Use Melted Butter

If your recipe tells you to add melted butter to the recipe, then it’s no wonder your batter is too runny, and the chocolate chips fall to the bottom of the cake. Use softened butter rather than melted butter to give your dough more density. This softened but not melted butter with a very creamy texture, giving you much more body to your dough.

Nothing could be simpler to prepare: simply “forget” your butter for a few hours on your kitchen worktop so that it softens enough to be added to your cake batter. To speed up the process, you can also put your butter cut into pieces for a few seconds in the microwave before creaming it with a spatula or using the blade of your pastry robot.

Coat Your Chocolate Chips With Flour

It is a tip well-known to all professional pastry chefs to coat your chocolate chips with flour to prevent them from falling to the bottom of their cake. They also use it to coat raisins or candied fruits in other sweet preparations, such as olives or diced ham in savory cakes. So, soak your chocolate chips in milk, drain them, and then place them in a storage box where you have placed a flour base. 

Close the lid, then shake the box vigorously to coat your flour nuggets evenly. Then, pour the box’s contents into a fine Chinese strainer or sieve to remove excess flour. All you have to do is add your floured nuggets to your cake batter! Coated in this way, they will anchor better in your cake batter. Your cookie will have time to cook before your nuggets fall.

Divide Your Dough

Once your dough is ready, divide it into two equal portions. Pour the first half into your mold, integrate the nuggets into the second half, then pour it over the first. The two mixtures will merge during cooking, preventing the nuggets from ending at the bottom.

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