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Zinc In Food: Makes You Beautiful And Healthy

Zinc In Food: Zinc is a beautiful mineral. But you should not only eat foods with zinc to do something good for your skin and hair. Zinc also strengthens the immune system. We’ll show you the best zinc suppliers. Zinc is vital – and yet most of us don’t have zinc as a nutrient on our radar. After all, everyone is talking about iron deficiency and how important vitamins C or A are for the body. However, zinc is an essential trace element that the body cannot produce, but it is necessary. We, therefore, have to give it to him regularly through foods containing zinc.

Zinc In Food: How Much Is Zinc Per Day Healthy?

Depending on the diet, sufficient zinc intake is surprisingly easy. An adult woman needs about 7-10 mg zinc per day (pregnant and breastfeeding women need more), men around 11-16 mg. 

Anyone looking for a balanced and versatile nourishment be careful, eat enough foods containing zinc to meet those needs. Zinc is found in meat and cheese, for example. But vegetarians and vegans can also cover their zinc requirements with oat flakes, whole wheat, nuts or seeds. However: the body can utilize zinc from animal foods better.

Good To Know:

Specific food components cause an increased zinc absorption in the intestine. This includes vitamin C and proteins from animal foods. Vegetarians, in particular, can increase their zinc intake by cleverly combining their foods. 

Our Tip: 

Put a splash of lemon juice on the food, or combine zinc-containing foods of plant origin with animal protein such as eggs, yoghurt, etc.

Good Reasons To Eat Foods Containing Zinc

Zinc works small miracles in the body. On the one hand, it ensures that skin and hair look beautiful – what many women and men want. In addition, zinc is a valuable helper in the defense against germs because it strengthens the immune system. So if you often suffer from colds, you should make sure that you consume the classic portion of vitamin C and zinc. In addition, zinc is involved in numerous metabolic processes.

Zinc deficiency is rare as there are many zinc-containing foods that most of us eat regularly. With every one-sided nourishment however, there may be a shortage. Typical symptoms of a zinc deficiency are lack of drive, weight loss, poor concentration or increased susceptibility to diseases. Hair loss or skin problems can also indicate a zinc deficiency.

Foods Containing Zinc: List Of The Best Suppliers Of Zinc

Oysters Contain The Most Zinc

When it comes to foods containing zinc, oysters are by far the absolute front runner. There is 22 mg of zinc in a 100 g portion of oysters! Other seafood cannot even begin to compete: 100 g of scallops only contain around 2 mg of zinc, and crabs just 2.2 mg per 100 g.

Zinc In Foods: Cereals And Legumes

Most people eat wheat as flour, which is processed into bread or pasta. In this form, however, it contains miniature zinc. It looks completely different from wheat germ or even wheat bran.

100 g wheat germ: 8.6 mg zinc

100 g wheat bran: 9 mg zinc

In everyday life, wild rice can also be cooked as an accompaniment to all dishes. It’s worth it because wild rice provides 6 mg of zinc for every 100 g.

If you eat a portion of oatmeal every day, you are doing something perfect for your body. The breakfast cereals are high in iron and protein and have a high zinc content. There is 4 mg of zinc in 100 g of oat flakes. The other types of grain cannot keep up with that.

When it comes to legumes, soybeans take first place in terms of zinc content:

100 g soybeans: 4.2 mg zinc

100 g lentils: 3.4 mg zinc

Did you know? Legumes like lentils contain not only a lot of zinc but also plenty of iron! So they should be an integral part of your diet.

Zinc In Foods: Meat And Liver

When it comes to zinc-rich foods, meat is generally a good supplier. Veal and beef contain an exceptionally high amount of zinc with up to 4.8 mg zinc per 100 g. Roasted rump steak provides the most zinc, 5.9 mg per 100 g.

If you like to eat liver, you should go for it when this delicacy is on the menu, and you want something for your immune system. The liver is an outstanding supplier of zinc:

100 g veal liver: 6.1 mg zinc

100 g lamb liver: 3.9 mg zinc

100 g beef liver: 4.8 mg zinc

100 g pork liver: 6.5 mg zinc

100 g chicken liver: 3.2 mg zinc

100 g leg of lamb: 3.7 mg zinc

100 g medium-fat pork: 2.3 mg zinc

100 g chicken wings: 1.3 mg zinc

Seeds And Nuts Contain Zinc

Seeds and kernels not only provide a lot of magnesium, but they also contain a lot of zinc. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are at the forefront, while sesame and poppy seeds are the seeds.

100 g pumpkin seeds: 6.1 mg zinc

100 g sunflower seeds: 5.7 mg zinc

100 g pine nuts: 4.2 mg zinc

100 g poppy seeds: 8 mg zinc

100 g sesame seeds: 7.7 mg zinc

100 g chia seeds: 4.6 mg zinc

Endues, Walnuts Or Cashews: 

The Brazil nuts go under a little with the wide variety of nuts. But we should take it more often because they are very zinc-containing foods. There is 4 mg of zinc in 100 g. The pecan, which is so prevalent in the USA, is the front runner with around 5.3 mg zinc per 100 g.

The other types of nuts contain a little less zinc:

100 g cashews: 2.1 mg zinc

100 g peanuts: 2.8 mg zinc

100 g hazelnuts: 1.9 mg zinc

100 g walnuts: 2.7 mg zinc

100 g almonds: 2, 2 mg zinc

A Lot Of Zinc In Cheese!

Do you fancy a cheese sandwich? Always bring it on! Cheese belongs to the group of foods containing zinc. How much zinc is included varies significantly from variety to variety. Hard and mold cheeses have a substantially higher zinc content than cream cheese, for example.

100 g Parmesan (45% fat): 5.8 mg zinc

100 g blue cheese (50% fat): 5 mg zinc

100 g Algae hard cheese: 4.1 mg zinc

100 g butter cheese (30% fat): 4.7 mg zinc

100 g Emmantled: 5.8 mg zinc

100 g Gouda: 4.2 mg zinc

ALSO READ: Ferrous Foods: The 10 Best Iron Suppliers


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