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HomeHEALTH & WELLNESSMiracle Cure For Weight Loss: Apple Cider Vinegar & Co. Are Delicious!

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Apple Cider Vinegar & Co. Are Delicious!

Apple Cider Vinegar: Have a quick cup of detox tea, and the extra bacon rolls dissolve into thin air – that would be nice! We took a closer look at alleged miracle cures for weight loss. Do you keep what you promise? There are always miracle drugs in the trade that are supposed to accelerate weight loss. That stimulates the fat metabolism or suppresses the feeling of hunger. 

The Question Remains: Are they any good, or are they just an expensive dream?

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are all the rage right now! The small brown grains are considered to be the superfood par excellence. They contain a lot of protein, iron and omega fatty acids and should be good for your health. Another plus that is emphasized repeatedly: They should help you lose weight. This is ensured by the abundant fiber, which fills the stomach for a long time and thus suppresses cravings.

Weight Loss Potential: Chia seeds may keep you feeling full for a long time, but you can achieve the same effect with high-fiber flax seeds – which are considerably cheaper.

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Apple Cider Vinegar

Not only is it supposed to curb appetite, have a positive effect on digestion and blood sugar levels – apple cider vinegar is also said to be a miracle cure for weight loss. Drink a spoonful of water in the morning, and the kilos should drop. Sounds too good to be true.

Unfortunately, it is. Apple cider vinegar owes its reputation as a slimming agent only to a Japanese study in which a test group consumed apple cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks. The result: the participants lost between one and two kilos. But whether the apple cider vinegar was the reason for the weight loss, the researchers left it open. Its appetite-suppressing effect has also not been proven. And if you look at the ingredients, apple cider vinegar is by no means a superfood.

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Detox Tea

Detox is another trend that is often mentioned in connection with diets. Detoxing aims to remove unhealthy waste products from the body – it is cleaned. You can choose to drink special tea for this, but there are also ready-made mixes for detox smoothies or cures in which nothing is eaten, but a lot is drunk. Detox tea is said to stimulate metabolism and improve fat burning.

Weight Loss Potential: The tea flushes out water, if at all. You can also drink normal nettle or drainage tea for this. However, you won’t lose excess kilos as a result. And: from a scientific point of view, there are no harmful waste products that settle in the body.

What Are Detox Cures For?

You can lose weight with longer detox cures, but in the beginning, you lose more water than love handles. Plus: after the end of the treatment, the yo-yo effect usually sets in, and you gain weight again than what you previously lost.

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Acai Berries

Were you looking younger and losing weight at the same time? This is what the acai berry promises. The tiny dark blueberries are the slim weapon of many Hollywood starlets because the ingredients are supposed to make the skin firmer and suppress the feeling of hunger. Since the berries can only be enjoyed for a good 36 hours after the harvest, primarily juices, capsules and powders are offered in stores.

Weight Loss Potential: The body best absorbs the nutrients from the fresh fruit. Apart from that, biochemical processes cannot easily be transferred to the body. So you can confidently replace the berries with blueberries. They are most likely to get fresh.

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Matcha Tea

Green tea stimulates fat burning, as is the trend drink Matcher. Finally, it is extracted from the leaves of green tea plants and processed into a powder. Matcher contains a lot of caffeine, which stimulates metabolism and accelerates weight loss.

Weight Loss Potential: The same applies to matcher tea and the acai berries: caffeine works differently in the human body than in the test tube. You would have to drink substantial amounts for a minimal effect to be felt. So much caffeine is anything but healthy.

Miracle Cure For Weight Loss: Coconut Oil

For a long time, rapeseed or olive oil were particularly recommended. Thanks to top model Miranda Kerr, coconut oil got a big boost. She allegedly eats four teaspoons a day to keep her weight off. The Reason For This: The lauric acid contained in it is supposed to normalize the body fat content.

Slimming Potential: In contrast to the other miracle cures, which are expensive but do not harm the body, you should be careful with coconut oil. Although it is a vegetable, it still contains a lot of saturated fat, promoting cardiovascular diseases. 

Much Better Than All The Magic Bullets Put Together

It saves money on chia seeds and detox tea and goes on a sensible slim plan. To lose weight in the long term, you should change your diet permanently. Learn which foods are low in calories and eat your fill of them—for example, vegetables and fruits, lean dairy products and whole-grain foods.

You don’t have to do without sweets, cakes, chips and fast food. But get used to enjoying them only rarely and in small portions. If you also do sport regularly, the unloved pounds will disappear all by themselves.

ALSO READ: Superfood Avocado: How Healthy Is The Fruit?


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