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Healthy Eating: 10 Simple Rules For Everyday Life

A healthy diet sounds like lot of work & little fun to many people. But these 10 rules, is child’s play to have healthy eating & taste good. “You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables”, “You should give preference to whole grains” – there are many recommendations when it comes to healthy eating. Too many to keep track of. Summarize the ten most important rules to make things a little easier for you. If you stick to this, a healthy diet will work by itself.

You mustn’t lose the fun of eating. Eating healthy is important, but it’s not everything. And above all, it does not exclude food. If you read through the rules of healthy eating, you will see no prohibitions. You can eat anything. With some foods, however, you should exercise gentle restraint, as they are high in calories and very high in fat.

If you eat a balanced diet, your body will thank you. Because with a healthy diet you are well supplied with all nutrients, and you feel good all round. Vitamins and phytochemicals strengthen the immune system and thus protect against diseases. Minerals are good for skin and hair, and nails and fiber help regulate digestion.

Healthy Eating: Rule 1: Eat Versatile

The most important factor in a healthy diet is to eat as varied as possible. Take a close look around the next time you shop: Which groceries do you see that you have never bought before? Certainly, there are some vegetables or fruits that you don’t even know. Parsnips or parsley roots are rather unusual vegetables for many. Or have you already dared to approach dragon fruit? Would you please do your research on the net and look for a delicious recipe to go with it?

Info: Eating as varied and varied as possible is a good thing in many ways. On the one hand, boredom does not set in on your plate so quickly, and on the other hand, you are much better supplied with the various nutrients. Because all foods, whether fruit, vegetables, meat, grain or milk, contain very different vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc., which we all need for an all-round healthy diet.

Rule 2: “5 A Day” – Fruits And Vegetables

It’s not that easy, but it is quite feasible: If you have a balanced diet, five servings of fruit and vegetables should land on your plates every day—two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables. One portion is roughly equivalent to what fits in one hand.

Start in the morning with muesli with fresh fruit. Then you’ve already ticked off a serving of fruit. As a snack, there are, for example, a few carrot sticks or a few slices of cucumber. At lunchtime, a good portion of vegetables or salad with the noodles, an apple as a snack in the afternoon and the evening again lettuce or cucumber, tomato, etc. with bread.

Good To Know: You can replace one of the five portions with a glass of juice.

Rule 3: Whole Grains And Potatoes

Bread, pasta & Co. fill you up and contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. Therefore, eat a portion several times a day. Whole grain products are ideal because they contain all the ingredients of the grain and, therefore, significantly more nutrients than products made from white flour. Many supermarkets now offer whole wheat pasta that is tasty. Try whole grain pasta with a spicy arrabbiata sauce, which best complements the fine aroma.

By The Way: Whole grain and multigrain bread are not the same. In the case of multigrain bread, the higher ground wheat flour is usually used and ‘pimped’ with different grains. It is best to ask specifically for real whole meal bread in the bakery. It doesn’t even have to contain grains. There are also finely ground variants.

Rule 4: Animal Products As A Supplement

Animal foods such as meat, cheese or milk are often discredited as too fat and promoting high cholesterol levels. Of course, that’s not true. Because they also contain many important nutrients. Milk and dairy products, for example, are important sources of calcium. Meat contains essential B vitamins, and fish contains iodine and omega-3 fatty acids.

Therefore, a healthy diet has something to do with the right amount. You should eat milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt every day.

It would be best to prepare fish once or twice a week, preferably low-fat sea fish. In the case of meat, it should not be more than 300-600 grams per week. This also includes sausages. Pay attention to naturally low-fat varieties such as poultry products, cooked ham or smoked pork.

To make it easier for you, see animal foods as a side dish rather than the main part of the meal.

Be Careful: salami, liver sausage or breaded schnitzel are very fatty.

Rule 5: Use Health-Promoting Fats

Fat is way better than its reputation. Because fat contains many essential fatty acids and is essential for healthy eating. But with fat, it depends greatly on the type and the amount. So it would be best if you only ate animal fat from meat or eggs in small amounts. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids, which negatively influences cholesterol levels. Vegetable fats such as olive or rapeseed oil are better.

Tip: used for cooking only small amounts of oil. You can do this if you use coated pans. Eat fried foods as rarely as possible and avoid fast food and ready-made products because they often contain a lot of hidden fats. Try to eat no more than 60-80 grams of fat per day.

Rule 6: Sugar And Salt Only In Moderation

Chocolate, sweets, pastries, lemonades – who can resist that? However, for the sake of health, you should hold back a little with sugar. Because this results in tooth decay and many extra pounds, and diabetes, pay particular attention to the sugar content of beverages.

As with sugar, you should exercise restraint when it comes to salt. Instead, use fresh herbs or other spices if you cook yourself.

Good To Know: Many ready meals and fast food contain plenty of salt and sugar.

Rule 7: Drink A Lot

Our body needs around 1.5 liters of fluid per day. It is even more so in summer and when we are doing sports. Water is ideal because it has no calories but valuable minerals. Unsweetened fruit or herbal teas are also good thirst quenchers. Lemonade, juice, or milk, on the other hand, contain calories, so you shouldn’t drink them in large quantities. It would be best if you didn’t drink alcohol regularly either.

Tip: Do you find water boring? Then spice it up with a splash of lemon or lime juice! Ginger also provides an interesting flavor component.

Rule 8: Gentle Preparation

Cook yourself as often as possible, and pay attention to careful preparation. For example, steams or steamed vegetables in little or no water. This means that vitamins sensitive to heat and water are better preserved. Many types of meat can also be prepared well using the low-cooking method. Cooking in a roasting bag also preserves the nutrients and ensures a natural, full taste.

Tip: Asians show how it is done: They often cook with a wok. You only need very little fat and hardly any liquid for this. With the result that the vegetables are cooked in a very nutritious way, are still nice and crunchy, and the aroma is well preserved.

Rule 9: Take Your Time

Sure, everyday life is stressful, but breaks are a must! Therefore, make time for your meals. Chew in peace and enjoy every bite. This has several advantages: You eat less because you feel full more quickly, and at the same time, slow eating also curbs cravings. After all, you have enjoyed every bite, and at the end of the meal, you are full and satisfied.

Tip: Even if you don’t have time – try not to eat at your desk or, worse, while standing. Go to the canteen, the staff room or sit in the fresh air for a moment. This way, you can enjoy the break much better and switch off briefly.

Rule 10: Regular Exercise

Not just a healthy diet – regular exercise is also necessary to maintain your weight and stay healthy. Try to integrate 30 to 60 minutes of exercise into your everyday life every day. It doesn’t always have to be a jog—even the way to the supermarket or the bike ride to work counts as movement. Also, take the stairs more often instead of the elevator and escalator.

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