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Thonon Diet: You Can Lose 10 Kilos Less In 2 Weeks

The Thonon Diet is based on a high protein diet. The plan? You have to eat protein but drastically reduce carbohydrates and fats. The principle of the Thonon diet belongs to the same category as the keto diet and is based on low carb. In this case, however, it is a rather questionable crash diet that should be viewed with skepticism. The Thonon Diet is a very low-calorie 14-day diet. It is incredibly popular. After all, the diet promises weight loss successes of up to 10 kilograms in 2 weeks. And only by sticking to the strict rules of the diet.

Like others, However, restrictive diets can cause the Thonon diet serious side effects – such as severe fatigue, headaches, muscle loss, and the much-feared yo-yo effect. Just reducing the calories to just 600 to 800 kcal per day should make anyone desperate to lose weight puzzled. After all, an adult woman weighing 60 kg who is barely active consumes around 1,800 kcal per day just to “function,”.

With the Thonon diet, the number of calories you can eat per day becomes extremely strongly reduced. Only that makes them “successful.” Food such as meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products is the main component of meals, plus vegetables. Salt and sugar, bread, pasta, etc., are almost completely banned from the kitchen.

Where Does The Thonon Diet Come From?

Allegedly, the Thonon diet was invented by a doctor in a clinic in Thonon-Les-Bains, France. Apart from media reports that share the hype about the diet, no detailed source can be found .

The 14-Day Nutrition Plan For The Thonon Diet

Losing up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks is the promise of the Thonon Diet. It is “only” sufficient to follow the following program strictly.

The Meals During The Thonon Diet

Day 1:

  • Morning: Unlimited coffee or tea
  • Lunch: Two hard-boiled eggs and spinach, if you like
  • In the evening: a large grilled steak (or three small meatballs), salad, olive oil or lemon juice, and celery as desired

Day 2:

  • In the morning: coffee or tea but with a little milk
  • Lunch: steak, lettuce, tomatoes, and fruits as desired without oil
  • In the evening: boiled ham at will

Day 3:

  • In the morning: a muesli roll with coffee or tea
  • Lunch: Two hard-boiled eggs, green lettuce, and tomatoes as desired, without oil
  • In the evening: boiled ham and green salad as desired

Day 4:

  • Mornings: Unlimited coffee or tea
  • Lunch: Raw or cooked carrots with lemon without oil and a piece of Gruyère
  • In the evening: Unlimited fruit and a natural yogurt

Day 5:

  • In the morning: grated carrots in lemon juice (yes, you read that right) and a black coffee or tea
  • Lunch: fish in broth and two tomatoes
  • In the evening: steak and lettuce as you like

Day 6:

  • In the morning: black coffee or tea with bread rolls
  • Lunch: Unlimited steak and fruit
  • In the evening: two hard-boiled eggs and boiled or raw carrots as desired, without fat

Day 7:

  • In the morning: coffee, tea, or lemon herbal tea
  • Lunch: Unlimited steak and fruit
  • In the evening: The cheat evening. You can eat whatever makes you happy. The only condition? Don’t drink alcohol.

For week 2, start all over again.

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The Stabilization Phase

After 14 days, there is a stabilization phase intended to protect against the yo-yo effect. A distinction is made between two energy levels:

  • 1,200 kcal: more for women who ” can increase up to 1,500 kcal when they are hungry.”
  • 1,500 kcal: more for men who “can go back to 1,200 kcal if meals are filling well and appear to be too much.”

The 1,200 Kcal Daily Plan


  • Coffee or tea without sugar
  • One lean dairy product
  • One slice of whole-grain bread with 10 g margarine
  • One fruit

Morning and afternoon snack: optional

  • Coffee or tea without sugar
  • One lean dairy product

Having Lunch:

  • Raw vegetables with one teaspoon of oil
  • 100 to 150 g of fish or lean meat
  • Vegetables cooked without fat
  • One lean milk product (yogurt, low-fat quark)
  • One fruit


  • Vegetable soup without fat
  • One small potato
  • 100 to 150 g of fish or lean meat
  • Vegetables cooked with 10 g margarine
  • One slice of whole-grain bread
  • One small fruit

For the 1,500 kcal daily plan:

A bowl of starchy foods such as rice, pasta, or potatoes with 10 g of margarine is allowed for lunch.

Questionable Recommendation Against Nutritional Deficiencies

During the 14-day diet plan and the subsequent stabilization phase of the Thonon diet, multivitamin or omega-3-based food supplements are recommended to avoid deficiency symptoms.

Diet-supporting food supplements such as “fat burners” or sugar or fat absorption inhibitors as well as anti-cellulite cream are also recommended. Such recommendations alone clearly indicate that there is such a diet and should not be taken lightly.

Who Is The Thonon Diet Not Suitable For?

The diet should never be used by children, pregnant women, the elderly, or people with weak intestines. All other weight loss enthusiasts who are thinking of following the Thonon diet or a similarly restrictive diet should speak to a doctor or nutritionist beforehand.

Pros And Cons Of The Thonon Diet

The Benefits Of The Thonon Diet

  • Apart from the “quick” weight loss success, the Thonon diet has hardly any advantages. The diet is super appealing to anyone who wants to lose a few pounds quickly for a special occasion (wedding, party, etc.). However, since the diet is very strict and restrictive, it is simply not enjoyable.
  • The diet can potentially be used to promote weight loss in people who are having difficulty losing weight. But even here, a week is probably enough to break the cycle of bad eating habits and start with a balanced and sensible change in diet.
  • The authors of the Thonon Diet themselves point out that it is better to speak to a doctor and have a health check carried out before starting. Advice to be followed!

The Cons Of The Thonon Diet

  • The Thonon diet is one-sided and provides little energy, which can sometimes lead to fatigue. Serious health consequences can occur, for example, indigestion or circulatory and concentration problems.
  • Meals for the first 14 days do not provide more than 600 to 800 kcal per day, i.e., three to four times less than the recommended energy intake for an adult. Without starch, sugar, bread, and fruit, the dishes do not provide the daily carbohydrates necessary for brain activity. The Thonon diet can therefore cause a state of significant fatigue, migraines, or even malaise.
  • Sports and other stressful activities are not recommended during this time of lack of energy.
  • Due to the greatly reduced caloric intake, proteins, which normally form nutrients, fuel the body. The Thonon diet can thus possibly support the breakdown of the muscles, which then leads to a reduction in the basal metabolic rate and thus the energy requirement, making a yo-yo effect even more likely.
  • The diet offers little variety. Since many foods are excluded, the Thonon diet lacks many nutrients: calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, D, E, essential fatty acids. This explains the recommended dietary supplements but only partially compensates for these deficiency symptoms.
  • Like any restrictive diet, the Thonon diet can make eating disorders worse.

The so-called “stabilization phase” at 1,200 or 1,500 kcal represents a diet that is still too low in calories with all the disadvantages described above.

Conclusion On The Thonon Diet:

Overall, the Thonon diet is one of the classic lightning diets that throws the metabolism off track. Despite the “stabilization phase,” you have to reckon with a yo-yo effect, which in the long term means that more kilos are gained than lost. The Thonon Diet does not encourage healthy eating habits.

“The EDGE recommends long-term weight loss based on a combination of diet, behavior change, and increased physical activity. A wholesome diet and 30-60 minutes of exercise per day helps regulate weight,”.

An Important Note At The End:

Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet suits you best. We’re just giving you an overview. However, the following applies: An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

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