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How Long Does It Take To Run To Lose A Pound Of Fat?

Of course, running makes you lose weight, but how long does it take to run to lose a kilo of fat? 1 g of fat contains 9 Calories, which logically means that a kilo of fat represents 9,000 calories.

Lose Weight: How To Burn Fat While Running?

If there is a sport to lose weight, it is undoubtedly running; good for our physical, mental and emotional well-being and relatively inexpensive. But, like many slimming topics, there’s more to understand than just the surface. Losing weight while running depends on a certain number of factors, first and foremost of which regularity appears to be an essential condition, which therefore implies unfailing motivation, also when it comes to eating. Watchword: eat healthily, and only bring foods that quickly reinforce it into your body.  

Concretely, by taking care of what you put on your plate, to burn calories effectively, you must do between 2 and 3 sessions of 30 minutes per week, with moderate shortness of breath. That is, at a pace that allows you to speak. Running at endurance – around 70% of your VMA (maximal oxygen consumption) – will be an unstoppable way to lose fat. For the result to be convincing, it will be necessary to impose long, even very long, sessions. 

Indeed overweight people should favor cycling or swimming; in their case, there are more appropriate activities than running. Remember that you need to burn more calories than you take in, so make sure to eat well after your run to reward yourself. Finally, do not rely on your scale but on your size; muscle weighs more than fat.

Why Should You Favor Split Training When You Want To Lose Weight?

From week to week, alternate distance running with an interval training program. Thirty seconds entire run, 30 seconds walk recovery, 30 seconds entire run, 30 seconds walk recovery, and so on for 30 minutes! A practical method to remove bulges and other dimples. Supporting recent studies, we realized that interval training (or interval training), alternating short efforts and recovery periods, is the weight loss champion.

You lose your extra pounds, and you gain tone. The only sine qua non-condition is to be at your maximum during the effort phases. Otherwise, it won’t work. The intermittent fasting is very effective, especially for abdominal fat. But be careful, as for a diet where you lose quickly, it is essential to stabilize the achievements, to have another regular sporting activity and an appropriate diet. Otherwise, beware of the rebound effect.

The practice should be reserved for people who are slightly overweight, motivated, fit, and healthy enough to withstand such training. Before starting, do not hesitate to go to your doctor to take stock. Joints and the heart solicited intensely, can not appreciate.

Running For Hours: What Is The “Runner’s High” That Affects Some Runners?

Most of them derive immense pleasure and a great deal of well-being from it. We find these sensations in other activities such as cycling or cross-country skiing, predominantly aerobic activities, that is to say, in breathing ease (you must be able to speak during the effort) for a prolonged time. . The secretion explains this phenomenon in the brain of endorphins, these famous hormones of well-being. 

These endorphins bind preferentially to opioid receptors (opiate receptors: opium, morphine, etc.) and have a euphoric effect: it’s a “runner’s high”. At the same time, this regular and prolonged physical activity increases the secretion of endocannabinoids, and cannabis analogues, which explains the more excellent resistance of athletes to pain.

 In addition, this regular physical activity allows you to relieve stress, get some fresh air, find a space of freedom, and find yourself at your convenience alone, with chosen partners or in a club. It is an activity that also allows you to surpass yourself. In short, running is fun!

How To Experience Pleasure While Running?

But to experience pleasure, you must maintain the effort for 45 minutes at 60% (the pace of jogging at a medium speed) or 80% of your maximum heart rate. The heart rate should be between 100 and 130 beats per minute. You need a minimum of intensity to experience pleasure in running. Walking or hiking do not provide the same well-being, even if you feel the relaxing, de-stressing effect.

When you have a reasonably steady pace, you leave your comfort zone and suffer, but that’s quite enjoyable. The whole body is hyper-oxygenated; the brain is rinsed (moreover, problems are often solved by running); all the senses are on alert; we boost our self-confidence and surpass ourselves; it’s exhilarating! The beginner, non-athlete or overweight will be tempted to give up. But if he perseveres and gradually increases the frequency and intensity of his weekly sessions, he won’t live without them!

Runner’s High: Why Do I Need To Run So Badly?

Gradually, the feeling of well-being becomes an irrepressible need. This feeling affects athletes who train more than three times a week. They always do more: more sessions, more intensity… They organize their professional, family and social life according to race. 

Some runners are also addicted to victory and social recognition. Everyone is in awe when someone has done 100 km or run for 24 hours! We feel socially valued. For others, this irrepressible need to go running is often linked to an obsession with thinness and sometimes to eating disorders…

Runner’s Drunkenness: When Running Becomes A Natural Drug!

As with drugs, we are not equal in sports addiction. Some are more vulnerable than others, depending on the effects they experience, their need for well-being, or the pursuit of weight control through running. This addiction does not depend on gender, age, or social level and settles insidiously. It results in an irrepressible urge to go running, with a loss of the ability to self-regulate. Too intense practice becomes harmful.

 We hurt ourselves more because we do too much and we don’t respect the rest times; we devote all your time to it to the detriment of your professional or family life and even your health (injuries such as stress fractures, recurrent tendinitis, recurring inflammatory problems, etc., taking illicit substances to boost your prefs, etc.). Like the young person who smokes a joint, there is a barrier that must not be crossed! Most doctors say that if sports abuse can be harmful, inertia is even more damaging!

Jogging: How And Why Improve Your Stride?

Light and yet very effective strides, such as those of Usain Bolt, all runners dream of! It is possible with the proper training. But first, what is a good stride? This is the gesture that offers the best ratio between energy expenditure and speed of propulsion. It would help if you had good support on the ground, brief and powerful, to achieve this.

This requires an excellent sheathing of the body, which is obtained thanks to good physical preparation.  A beginner will tend to have long and solid supports or short without power, while a high-level athlete will have a reduced but adequate support time on the ground. We know that the fastest runners spend the least time on the floor.

All of the exercises suggested below, to be practiced at least once a week (even more if you run more than three times a week), aim to reduce stance time and increase the strength and amplitude of your movements. Strides. With each step, you gain a few centimeters, which makes all the more of a difference over a long distance. 

Improving Your Stride: 5 Exercises To Do To Gain Amplitude!


What Should I do? Over about thirty meters, resting on the front of the foot, we try to bring the heel as quickly as possible under the buttock, alternating the legs. Make sure to stay straight without leaning forward. Recovery is made by walking, on the way back, before starting again. 

The right timing is four sets with the walking return. What is the interest of the exercise? It works the hamstrings, muscles located at the back of the thigh, which allow the return of the foot under the buttock (flexion of the leg).

Knee Lifts!

What Should I do? On the spot, we raise the knees horizontally, at the height of the pelvis, alternating the left and right leg with the shortest possible contact with the ground. The heels do not touch the ground, the abdominals are contracted, and the pelvis is slightly retroverted, but the trunk must remain straight. 

Synchronized on the rhythm of the legs, the arms serve as a pendulum. The right timing? 3 to 4 repetitions of 10 to 20 climb with a recovery of 30 sec to 1 min while walking. You can gradually increase the frequency of the upgrades. What is the interest of the exercise? It solicits the elevator muscles of the thighs and the psoas and improves the stride amplitude.

Steps Chased Aside!

What Should I do? We move laterally for about thirty meters, resting on the front of the foot, legs outstretched, heels tapping against each other with each step. We alternate each side. The right timing is four series (2 for each side) of 30 to 40 meters. Recovery: 30 sec to 1 min walking. 

What is the interest of the exercise? It solicits the adductors (muscles on the inside of the thighs), which bring the thigh closer to the axis of the body and therefore participate in keeping it in the correct axis (the running trajectory).

Rope Jumping!

What Should I do? Feet together, resting on the forefoot, legs together, body sheathed, wrists far apart to perform the rotations without embarrassment, we make leaps with the skipping rope at a regular and rapid pace and without falling. You can complicate the task by raising the knees for 1 minute or working the legs one after the other. 

The right timing? Three series (one foot together, then one foot after the other) of 3 minutes, with a 1-minute recovery between series. What is the interest of the exercise? Work on the dynamism of your stride, strengthen your muscles (legs, glutes, back, shoulders, abs, etc.) and your cardio-respiratory system.

The Hill Race!

What Should I do? At the bottom of a hill of about 5%, on flat ground, you gain momentum (still resting on the front of your foot), then try to maintain your speed uphill for a distance of 30 to 60 meters. The right timing? 2 sets of 4 or 5 climbs. Recovery: walking downhill. What is the interest of the exercise? Engage the muscles with each stride even more than on the flat ground. The hill forces the placement and obliges the runner to take a good posture.

Read Also: Lose Weight: 6 Circuit Training Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly


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