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How To Get Slim? The Best Tips To Reduce Your Body Fat

Get Slim- Many of us do not find a big belly or flabby thighs so nice. More importantly, too much body fat is unhealthy. We should reduce it – especially when it comes to belly fat. Body fat in itself is not a bad thing. We even need it because it protects our organs. It makes sure that we do not freeze permanently. It is also an energy store and provides us with new strength even in bad times. Body fat in itself is not a bad thing. We even need it because it protects our organs. It makes sure that we do not freeze permanently. It is also an energy store and supplies us with new ones even in bad times.

However, too much body fat is unhealthy. Especially when it is on the stomach, this fat is called visceral fat, and it produces large amounts of hormones and messenger substances. And they can do some damage to the body. Studies have shown that abdominal fat promotes cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. So if you have a lot of body fat on your stomach, you should urgently reduce it.

You should even do this if you are of normal weight, but your waist-hip ratio, the ratio of waist to hip circumference, is greater than 0.86. (Measure your waist and hip circumference and then divide the value of the waist circumference by that of the hips.)However, too much body fat is unhealthy. Especially when it is on the stomach, this fat is called visceral fat, and it produces large amounts of hormones and messenger substances. And they can do some damage to the body.

Studies have shown that belly fat promotes cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. So if you have a lot of body fat on your belly you should urgently reduce it? You should even do this if you are of normal weight, but your waist-hip ratio, the ratio of waist to hip circumference, is greater than 0.86. 

Get Slim- What Is The Normal Body Fat Percentage?

Women generally have more body fat than men. Simply because they have less muscle mass. A body fat content of 21 to 32.9 is considered normal for women aged 20 to 39 years. It would be best to reduce your body fat at the latest from a value of 33 and more.

The older we get, the more fat we can feed ourselves. Women between 40 and 59 may have a maximum body fat content of 33.9, women over 60 even up to 35.9.

Because men have more muscle mass, they have less body fat. Between 8 and 19.9 is normal for the age group 20 to 39 years. It would be best if you reduced body fat from a level of 20 or more.

How Is The Body Fat Percentage Measured?

There are several methods of determining body fat content. Body fat scales only give very imprecise information. Most accurate is a measurement in the water tank, the so-called hydrostatic weighing.

Make it easy for yourself, stand in front of the mirror, and look at your body very carefully. Do you have bacon rolls on your stomach and waist? How does it look on the back? Grab the skin on your stomach with your fingers. If there is only a little skin between the fingers, everything is ok. If you have several inches of skin, you should probably reduce your body fat. If you are unsure, you can talk to your doctor about it. The question remains: what is the best way to reduce body fat? A combination of endurance sport, muscle building, and the right diet has proven itself.

Make it easy for yourself, stand in front of the mirror, and look at your body very carefully. Do you have bacon rolls on your stomach and waist? How does it look on the back? Grab the skin on the stomach with the fingers. If there is only a little skin between the fingers, everything is ok. If you have several inches of skin, you should probably reduce your body fat. If you are unsure, you can talk to your doctor about it.

Reduce Body Fat With Endurance Sports (Jogging & Co.)

Plenty of calories are burned in endurance sports. The metabolism is stimulated, fat-burning gets going. To gradually reduce your body fat, you should plan three to four exercise units per week. Take 45 to 60 minutes and work up a sweat while jogging, walking, cycling or aerobics. The pulse has to rise, and you should get out of breath.

Reduce Body Fat With Strength Training & Muscle Building

The more muscle we have, the less body fat we have. The second important measure to reduce body fat is, therefore, a little strength training. Don’t worry. Nobody has to stand next to the bodybuilders in the gym. With endurance training, you build up a few muscles or make sure they are not broken down.

But it doesn’t hurt to strengthen it in a targeted manner. This has the additional effect of making the skin nice and tight. Get yourself a couple of dumbbells that you can use to get your arms in shape. You can do abdominal, leg, and bottom exercises without aids. It is best to train three or four times a week.

Reduce Body Fat With The Right Foods

So that you don’t feed yourself more bacon, you shouldn’t eat large meals after training, but stick to small, protein-rich snacks—for example, a portion of natural yogurt or low-fat quark. About an hour or two before exercise, you should eat one or two slices of whole-grain bread, such as cheese.

Body fat, especially on the stomach, has a lot to do with diet. If you want to reduce your body fat in the long term, you should change your diet accordingly.

Since Simple Carbohydrates Favor Belly Fat, You Should Only Eat Or Drink The Following Foods Rarely And In Small Quantities:

  • Sweets
  • cake
  • White flour products (white bread, pasta, rice)
  • Fast food
  • Salty snacks like chips
  • juice
  • Lemonade / cola
  • Spritzers
  • alcohol

Instead, Go For These Foods:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • Natural yogurt
  • low-fat quark
  • nuts
  • lean poultry
  • fish
  • Whole grain bread
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Brown rice

Reduce Body Fat With L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid-like substance that is supposed to melt fat. But that is not scientifically proven. In addition, the body itself produces sufficient amounts of L-carnitine.

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