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HomeNUTRITION & RECIPIESLose Weight Without Carbohydrates: Recipes And Important Information

Lose Weight Without Carbohydrates: Recipes And Important Information

Lose Weight Without Carbohydrates: That was once upon a time! For several years there has been no way around the low carb. Those who want to lose weight try to get by on a diet without carbohydrates. We’ll tell you what it brings. That’s it for the cheese sandwich for breakfast and the plate of spaghetti for lunch! If you want to lose weight and get along without carbohydrates, you will, unfortunately, have to do without them. Both are real carbohydrate bombs. Although it is difficult to do without, more and more people are opting for low-carb diets and are reporting unbelievable success. In particular, the stubborn bacon on the stomach only seems to disappear if you manage to lose weight without carbohydrates or at least drastically reduce them. 

Lose Weight Without Carbohydrates: An Overview Of Low Carb Foods: 

that’s it for the cheese sandwich for breakfast and the plate of spaghetti for lunch! If you want to lose weight and get along without carbohydrates, you will, unfortunately, have to do without them. Both are real carbohydrate bombs. Although it is difficult to do without, more and more people are opting for low-carb diets and are reporting unbelievable success. In particular, the stubborn fat pad on the stomach only seems to disappear when you are at the decrease, get by without carbohydrates or at least drastically reduce them.

Why Does Carbohydrate-Free Weight Loss Work So Well?

Anyone who radically changes their diet and cuts out high-carbohydrate foods needs a pretty good reason. Because: Most of them find it very difficult. Carbohydrates are found in many foods – especially the tasty ones, such as chips, sweets, fast food, and bread, pasta and rice. Who his nourishment radically rearranged and on

But it’s worth it. Those who manage largely without carbohydrates when losing weight eat more protein. And protein should, on the one hand, make you full longer and, on the other hand, stimulate the metabolism. In addition, the proteins support the development and maintenance of muscle mass.

But what is more crucial: Carbohydrates are specifically made responsible for the fat on the stomach. However, a distinction has to be made between simple and complex carbohydrates here. If you eat simple carbohydrates like those found in white bread, cake, sweets or chips, there is a lot of sugar in the blood after eating. To transport it into the body cells, the body produces a lot of insulin. However, this hormone ensures that fat is stored specifically in the stomach and hinders fat burning.

But what is more crucial: Carbohydrates are specifically made responsible for the fat on the stomach. However, a distinction has to be made between simple and complex carbohydrates here. If you eat simple carbohydrates like those found in white bread, cake, sweets or chips, there is a lot of sugar in the blood after eating. To transport it into the body cells, the body produces a lot of insulin. This hormone, however, ensures that fat is stored especially on the belly, and it also hinders fat burning.

BUT: If you eat foods that contain a large proportion of complex carbohydrates (whole-grain products, legumes, vegetables), the body has to produce much less insulin because there is less sugar in the blood after eating. In other words: If you want to lose weight, you don’t have to get along completely without carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are allowed! At least it should be.

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Lose Weight Without Carbohydrates: These Foods Are Allowed

Few foods do not contain any carbohydrates. This only includes meat, fish and eggs. All other foods contain at least a small amount of carbohydrates. If you want to lose weight and eat mostly without carbohydrates, you can eat them with a clear conscience. These foods are “allowed” in a low-carb or low-carb diet:

  • Eggs
  • meat
  • fish and seafood
  • Milk and milk products (quark, yoghurt, cheese)
  • tofu
  • Vegetables (except cooked carrots and potatoes, see below)
  • Lettuce (and other leafy vegetables)
  • legumes
  • whole-grain products
  • Fruit (but only in small quantities)

Lose Weight Without Carbohydrates: Prohibited Foods

Unfortunately, there are at least as many foods to avoid if you are on a low carb diet. All white flour products, sweets, sugar and sugary foods, most ready meals and fast food. Here is a list:

  • White flour products, such as white bread, rolls. pasta
  • sweet pastries, such as cakes, cookies, particles
  • Sweets and chocolate
  • Ice cream
  • Chips & salty or fried snacks
  • Ready meals and fast food, such as pizza and burgers
  • Rice (except brown rice only in moderation)
  • Potatoes (only in small quantities)

The Best Recipes For Losing Weight Without Carbohydrates

There is no bread, nothing with pasta or rice, but plenty of meat: Those who have decided to lose weight without carbohydrates often do not know what to eat and cook.

Our tip: To eat healthily and eat enough vitamins and minerals, you should attach importance to a large portion of vegetables. You can combine it with a small portion of whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa or millet and eat meat, fish or tofu with it.

Breakfast Without Carbohydrates

Especially in the morning, many people don’t know what to eat to lose weight. Few foods are left without carbohydrates. Bread, muesli or corn flakes are eliminated. What works are omelets or scrambled eggs? If you prefer it sweet, you can eat natural yoghurt with a few fruits. For many, it takes getting used to, but if you break free from the classic breakfast, warm breakfast with beans, spinach and egg, strong and seasoned to taste, can also taste very tasty.

Lunch Without Carbohydrates

If you eat something warm for lunch, there are many options for low-carbohydrate recipes. If you’re in the office, it’s best to take a meal with you. Unfortunately, sandwiches or ready-made meals cannot be reconciled with weight loss without carbohydrates. Good dishes for the office are, for example, salad, which you only mix with the dressing.

Carbohydrate-Free Dinner

Even in the evening, you have to adjust a bit if you eat a low-carbohydrate diet. The cheese or sausage bread is omitted. If you’ve already eaten warm at lunchtime, you can make a salad or just tomato and mozzarella. Chicken fillet on steamed vegetables or a piece of fish is also tasty. Good snacks in between meals are vegetable sticks, natural yoghurt, quark or a handful of unsalted nuts.

An Important Note At The End: 

An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

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