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Pigment Spots On Face: How They Come & How To Get Rid Of Them

On the forehead, under the eyes, or on the upper lip: around 80 percent women have pigment spots on faces. And most of them ask themselves: How can I get rid of the pigment spots quickly? Pigment spots are non-raised, irregular discolorations of the skin that can turn out brownish, reddish, or yellowish.

They are caused by melanocytes, which are part of our skin. They are responsible for producing the skin pigment (melanin) and decide whether we are more of a light or dark skin type. As a protective reaction to the harmful UV radiation of the sun, the melanocytes form the dark skin pigment. This wraps itself around the sensitive nucleus of the skin cells, absorbs the radiation, and releases it again in the form of heat. The melanin is also responsible for the light tan of the skin after a day in the sun.

If everything normally goes in the melanocytes, we get an even tan. When there is a disorder, too much melanin is produced in certain areas. The result is pigment spots, which are also referred to as “hyperpigmentation.”

Why Do I Get Pigment Spots?

Pigment spots can have several causes. At the top of the list of culprits is the sun or UV radiation. Pigment spots mainly occur where the skin has been exposed to light for years.

But other factors can also trigger pigment spots: hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, the pill, or menopause, for example. The hyperpigmentation caused by this occurs predominantly on the forehead, cheeks, and upper lip and usually disappears slowly when the hormones are again in balance.

Certain fragrances (e.g., bergamot oil) or medication also promote the development of pigment spots. St. John’s wort, for example, which is found in herbal sedatives, increases the skin’s sensitivity to light, promoting hyperpigmentation. Inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, or acne can also promote the formation of the spots.

Pigment Spots Are A Common Problem

Hyperpigmentation has increased significantly over the past ten years. Even if the problem is purely cosmetic, it is an expression of too careless use of the sun. Today, women who suffer from pigment spots are usually exposed to harmful UV rays too often, for too long, and without adequate protection 20 to 30 years ago.

In addition, the pill is the number one contraceptive for women under 40. This increased intake of hormones probably also plays an important role in the frequency of pigment disorders.

Since once hyperactive melanocytes are difficult to direct back into normal pathways, pigment spots are an extremely persistent problem. They can indeed be brought under control with medical and cosmetic products. But even a small dose of UV light is enough, and they produce too much melanin again. The result: the stains come back.

Five Tips: This Is How You Can Prevent Pigment Spots

Even if pigment spots are mostly harmless from a health point of view, they are annoying – especially if they are on the face. Pigment spots caused by medication will lighten on their own when you stop taking the medication. However, it is better to make sure that the skin does not form any pigment spots in the first place.

You Can Prevent Pigment Spots With These Tips:

  1. Consistently use sunscreen on your face. The SPF should be at least 30. Sun protection products with thiam idol are particularly effective in preventing dark pigmentation disorders.
  1. Avoid strong sunlight and visit the solarium. The intense radiation can worsen pigmentation disorders.
  1. In summer, do a peeling every two weeks because it briefly thins the skin and makes the skin more prone to pigmentation marks.
  1. If you take medication, read the package insert carefully. This indicates when the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun as a side effect. You may have to increase the sun protection.
  1. Use high levels of sun protection when taking hormonal supplements like the pill.

Remove Pigment Spots: Creams And Methods

Do you have dark pigment spots that won’t go away on their own? No need to worry: There are several methods and products for removing annoying, dark pigment spots.

Removing Pigment Spots With Creams

The use of so-called brightening creams, which have a lightening effect over time, is gentle and easy. Used regularly, they can reduce dark pigmentation and make the complexion more even.

Peelings Against Pigment Spots Peelings

can also help against slight pigmentation disorders on the face. They remove the dead skin cells and thus ensure a rosy complexion. Fruit acid peelings are particularly effective against pigmentation disorders. However, it would be best not to use these more than once a week because they are stressful to the skin.

Remove Pigment Disorders With Laser

Pronounced pigment spots can also be removed with a laser. The laser beams are pinpointed and destroy the darkly pigmented skin cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. Laser treatments are carried out both by dermatologists and in specialized cosmetic institutes. The cost of such a pigment treatment is between 400 and 750 euros, depending on the size of the pigment disorder.

ALSO READ: Impure Skin With 25 Plus? Five Tips For Cleaning Up Your Complexion


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