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HomeFITNESSTight, Slim, Perfectly Shaped: 7 Simple Exercises For The Thighs

Tight, Slim, Perfectly Shaped: 7 Simple Exercises For The Thighs

Exercises For The Thighs- Healthy nutrition is good, but you need muscles to keep your legs firm and slim! And you get them through special exercises for the thighs. Too chubby, too wobbly, too dumpy: There are several reasons why we are at war with our thighs. The good news: it is our free choice to end this war! Either by accepting our legs as they are. Or by getting our thighs into better shape with a few specific exercises.

If you opt for the latter, you should read on. With just 3 x 20 minutes of leg training per week, you can strengthen your thigh muscles and thus tone your legs! Twenty minutes … This is roughly how long it takes to do the following seven thigh exercises. Both the inside and the outside of the portions are trained. The best thing about our fitness program for the legs: You can easily do it at home!

Exercises For The Thighs- Boost Fat Burning:

If you want to get your leg muscles really in shape, you should do endurance training in addition to these exercises, for example, go jogging or regularly climb the Stairmaster. This not only keeps you fit but also burns a lot of fat so that the newly acquired muscles come into their own. Do, for example, go jogging or regularly climb the Stairmaster. That doesn’t just last fit but also burns a lot of fat so that the newly acquired muscles come into their own.

Exercise For The Thighs: Leg Balance

Balance exercises look harmless, but they are an excellent workout for the back of the thighs.

This Is How It Works:

Tense your stomach tightly, stand up straight, and look at a point on the floor. If you like, you can stretch your arms out to the side to make your balance easier. From this position, shift your weight onto your right leg, find a firm footing and carefully remove your left foot from the floor. Lie on your right knee and stretch your leg forward 15 times without putting your foot down on the floor. 

> 3 sets with 15 repetitions per side 


If the leg is extended to the side, the inner thighs can also be trained with this exercise. Tense your stomach tightly, stand up straight, and look at a point on the floor. If you like, you can stretch your arms around the balance to facilitate. From this position, shift your weight onto your right leg, find a firm footing and carefully remove your left foot from the floor. Lie on your right knee and stretch your leg forward 15 times without putting your foot down on the floor.

Training For The Thighs: Lunges

This exercise needs to burn your buttocks and the front of your thighs properly!

This Is How It Works:

Tense your stomach tightly. Your back is straight. Take a large lunge forward with your left leg. Ensure that the knee is level with the heel and does not protrude over the toes. Go deep with your right leg. Come back to the starting position and take a large lunge forward with your right leg.

> 3 sets with 15 repetitions each per leg


It gets more strenuous when a dumbbell is put in each hand to train the biceps simultaneously. In addition, the lunges can be jumped. This variant should only be done if there are no knee problems.

Exercise For The Thighs: Squats

Squats are simple squats that our grandpa had to do while exercising. But because the exercise is so effective for shaping the buttocks and thighs, the name has just been modernized a bit, and it’s already: go deeper! Buttocks and legs must burn! that our grandfather already had to do. But because the exercise is so effective for shaping the buttocks and thighs, the name has just been modernized a bit, and it’s already: go deeper! Buttocks and legs must burn!

This Is How It Works:

The legs are hip-width apart, stand upright, and tense the stomach tightly. Stretch your arms straight forward at shoulder height, and now bend your knees. Push your bottom back as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. Rock briefly three times at the lowest point, then come up again.

> 3 sets with 15 repetitions


If the inner thighs are to be trained, the legs are set up wider for this exercise so that the feet and thighs point outwards.


With a TheraBand, you can intensify this thigh exercise. Stand up straight with your feet closed and wrap the TheraBand around your legs above the knees and knot. Then stand hip-width apart and do the squats.

Exercise For The Thighs: Rear Leg Extension

Perfect! The buttocks are not neglected in this exercise either and are trained together with the back of the thighs.

This Is How It Works:

Kneel on the floor and stand on four feet. Make sure your knees are below your hips, and your hands are below your shoulders.

Tense your stomach tightly and slowly lift your left leg – stretched out – upwards. Tighten the thigh muscles tightly and circle the leg at the highest point 20 times in small movements.

> 3 sets with 20 repetitions per leg


To make the exercise more difficult, you can put on foot weights or lift the opposite arm.

Exercise For The Thighs: Side Leg Raises

Many women want to tone the front and back of their thighs and want to slim down the inside. It works with this exercise.

Here’s How:

Lie comfortably on your right side so that your right forearm and right leg hold your body. It should form a straight line. Tense your stomach, detach your left leg from the right, and slowly – only with the strength of the leg muscles – raise and lower.

 > 3 sets of 20 repetitions per side 


You can put on foot weights again if you like. Instead of raising and lowering the leg, small circles can be drawn at the highest point. Comfortable Lie on your right side so that your right forearm and right leg hold your body. It should form a straight line.

Thigh Exercise: Leg Cruiser

This exercise also works the muscles in the inner thighs.

This Is How It Works:

Sit on the floor and lean your upper body backward. The straight forearms support him.

Elevate your legs at an angle so that your calves are parallel to the floor. The abdomen is tensed tightly. The legs are crossed in quick movements from this position – but powerfully and purposefully – for 15 seconds.

> 3 sets of 15 seconds each

: To train the abdominal muscles, the legs can be stretched out diagonally forward, or you do not support the upper body with your forearms but hold it off the floor with the strength of the abdominal muscles.

Exercise For The Thighs: Side Leg Raises For The Inside

Depending on how you lie, you can train the inside or the outside of your thighs on your side. This exercise is excellent for the interior.

This Is How It Works:

Lie on your right side. Your right arm supports your head. Place your left leg bent forward over your right. The right leg is straight and an extension of the upper body. The tips of the feet are drawn in, and then the portion is slowly and forcefully lifted a few centimeters from the ground and then lowered again.

> 3 sets of 15 repetitions per side


Small circles can be drawn at the highest point instead of just pushing the leg up and down.

A Note At The End: 

An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

ALSO READ: Simple Exercises & Tricks For A Flat Stomach


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