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HomeDIETDiet, Nutrition, Fitness: The Top 10 Questions About Losing Weight

Diet, Nutrition, Fitness: The Top 10 Questions About Losing Weight

Did you know? These are the most important questions about losing weight – and we have the answers for you! Weight loss and diet, are tiresome topics. We would love to never deal with it again. But unfortunately, the scales tell us otherwise. And the favorite jeans that are no longer too tight too. But how can you keep track of things in the weight loss jungle? What is true and what is not? Most women have tried all the diet tips, read every article, and still have many unanswered questions.

Because it is teeming with contradictions and half-truths. Weight loss and diet are tiresome topics. We would love to never deal with it again. But unfortunately, the scales tell us otherwise. And the favorite jeans that are no longer too tight too.

But how can you keep track of things in the weight loss jungle? What is true and what is not? Most women have tried all the diet tips, read every article, and still have many unanswered questions because it is teeming with contradictions and half-truths.

Questions About Losing Weight- Why Do The Pounds Drop So Quickly In The Beginning?

Oh, the first few weeks on a diet are always the best! We can practically watch the pounds drop. But why is it?

Unfortunately, these kilos are not pure fat tissue. That would be too good to be true. No, most of it is water. Because our body attacks the energy reserves from carbohydrates and protein at the beginning of a diet, it gets the protein from the muscles, and a lot of water accumulates. Only after a few days does the body learn how to get the energy from our fat deposits. And it takes longer to implement.

On average, it is said that you have to save around 7000 kcal per kilogram of fat. Ingenious calorie-saving tricks: It’s easy to save up to 500 calories a day. Unfortunately, these kilos are not pure fat tissue. That would be too good to be true. No, most of it is water. Because our body’s beginning diet increases the energy reserves from carbohydrates and protein, it gets the protein from the muscles, and a lot of water accumulates. Only after a few days does the body learn how to get the energy from our fat deposits. And it takes longer to implement. On average, it is said that you have to save around 7000 kcal per kilogram of fat.

Why Does The Weight Stagnate At A Certain Point?

In the beginning, the pounds dropped almost by themselves, and suddenly, nothing worked anymore. It’s frustrating but normal. Usually, the problem resolves on its own after a week or two.

To get your metabolism going again, you can eat a little more. It often helps if you change the sports program.

How Is Much Weight Loss Per Week Realistic?

Seven pounds in seven days are promises of lightning diets that give rise to hope. And unfortunately, convey a completely wrong idea. The German Nutrition Society recommends not losing more than half a kilogram per week. That is a goal that anyone can achieve. Because to achieve this, you can still eat enough to be full on the one hand and be supplied with all the important nutrients on the other. Seven pounds in seven days are promises of lightning diets that give rise to hope.

And unfortunately, convey a completely wrong idea. The German Society for nourishment recommends not losing more than half a kilogram per week. That is a goal that anyone can achieve. Because to achieve this, you can still eat enough to be full on the one hand and be supplied with all the important nutrients on the other.

Which Sport Is The Fastest To Lose Weight?

The good news first: No matter what sport you do, it will help you lose weight. However, it can be said that there are sports that are a bit more efficient. In general, endurance sports, in which you get really out of breath, will melt your pounds. For example, an hour of aerobics or 45 minutes of walking are great. Try to get at least 45 minutes of endurance sports around three times a week. It should be 45 minutes for your fat-burning to get to work. The good news first: It doesn’t matter which one Sports you drive, they help you lose weight. However, one can say that there are sports that are a bit more efficient.

Which Foods Can I Safely Eat While On A Diet?

You can eat anything during a diet. But of course, there are a few foods that are a little more suitable. Because they are low in calories but have a lot of nutrients and fill you up.

Vegetables, for example, are one of these foods. Whether raw or cooked, you can enjoy peppers and Co. without hesitation. Fruit is also low in calories and rich in nutrients. However, since fruit has a higher proportion of fructose, you should not eat more than three servings a day.

Whole grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, or potatoes are also good foods if you’re looking to lose weight. They are low in calories but have a lot of fiber and therefore keep you full for a long time. 

What Foods Should I Not Eat While On A Diet?

There are no bans! Even if you want to lose weight, you can eat anything. However, it all comes down to the right amount. And with chocolate, that is not the whole bar per day, but the whole bar per week, i.e., a maximum of one bar per day.

Cakes, fast food, or chips are by no means taboo during a diet. Treat yourself to that now and then. But watch out for small portions and then eat a little less for the next meal.

By the way: You should also drink alcohol with caution. It has a lot of calories, inhibits fat loss, and arouses the appetite for fat.

I Want To Lose 2 Kilos By The Weekend, Will It Work?

Shedding one to two kilos before the party on the weekend – that’s what many women want. It is feasible. If you start on Monday and then eat a maximum of 1200 kcal for the whole week, this can work.

However, such lightning diets do not make sense. The weight you lose is just water, and you will have it back on the following Thursday at the latest.

Why Do I Regain Weight Immediately After Dieting?

You struggled for a week or two, ate cabbage soup, salad, or rice, and lost a few pounds. But after a short time, the pounds are back on the hips.

The so-called yo-yo effect, a typical companion of lightning diets, is to blame. It always strikes when you lose weight within a short time and eat extremely little, i.e., less than 1200 kcal. The body switches to the back burner during the diet and burns as little energy as possible during this time. If you normally eat again after the diet, your body will be happy. He quickly notices that suddenly more food is coming and stores everything possible. After all, he has to build up the fat deposits again to prepare for the bad times to come.

Instead of following a lightning diet, you should lose weight slowly and change your diet permanently. Losing weight is not that fast with a 1500 kcal cure, but the body does not switch to the back burner, and you avoid the yo-yo effect.

Do I Have To Pay Attention To Food All My Life After A Diet?

“After the diet is before the diet” – that is a stupid saying, but unfortunately, in a certain way, it is true. However, it’s not as bad as it sounds right now. Because ideally, you have learned during your weight loss phase to eat differently and healthier. You now prefer to cook yourself instead of buying fast food every day and are no longer addicted to chocolate and chips.

Which Is Better: Low Fat Or Low Carb?

You are avoiding carbohydrates or giving up fat – which is better for the slim figure? The German Nutrition Society says: It doesn’t matter. As long as you eat less than you consume, you automatically lose weight, regardless of reducing your fat or carbohydrate intake.

Studies indicate that it is easier to lose weight with a high-protein diet because protein fills longer than carbohydrates. The best thing to do is find a balance between the two forms of nutrition and cook low-fat, avoid high-fat foods such as cream and ignore sweets and chips in the evening. Then losing weight is guaranteed to work.

ALSO READ: The Ultimate Superfoods List: 10 Super Healthy Foods


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