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Heat Rash Get Rid Of Them : These Home Remedies Help Immediately

Heat Rash- Do you struggle with itchy blisters on your skin in summer? Here, you can find out where heat rashes come from, and which tips and home remedies you can use to get rid of the little troublemakers quickly.

As much as we love summer: Anyone of the sensitive skin types knows that hot days by the sea do not always lead to a delicate dream tan. Instead of a bikini print, small, itchy blisters can also be noticeable on the skin. But don’t panic: Heat rashes are annoying at first but usually harmless. As much as we love summer: Anyone of the sensitive skin types knows that hot days by the sea do not always lead to a delicate dream tan. Instead of a bikini print, there can be small, itchy blisters on the skin to make it noticeable. But don’t panic: Heat rashes are annoying at first but usually harmless.

Where Do Heat Rasher Come From?

Many believe that heat rash is caused by too much exposure to the sun. But the sun is not solely responsible for the tiny bubbles. If the temperatures rise in summer, our body automatically begins to sweat more. If the sweat is prevented from being released to the outside through the skin, our sweat glands may become clogged. Many believe that heat rash is caused by too much exposure to the sun. But the sun is not solely responsible for the tiny bubbles. If the temperatures rise in summer, our body automatically begins to sweat more. To prevent sweat from falling over the skin is released to the outside, our sweat glands may become clogged.

The result is heat rashes that look like tiny bubbles. They usually arise where the heat builds up, for example, under the armpits, on the hollows of the knees or the inside of the thighs. The small pimples most often appear on summer vacation when our skin is exposed to a tropical climate, and high humidity clogs our sweat glands. But even the wrong outfit can give us pesky pimples in summer.

We’ll tell you which tips and home remedies you can use to quickly get rid of heat rashes. We’ll let you know which ones Tips and home remedies to get rid of heat rashes rapidly.

If You Have Heat Rash, Go To The Shade

Anyone who discovers small heat pimples on their skin for the first time should, first of all, allow their body to cool down – ideally immediately. Are you wearing clothes that are too warm, or have you been sunbathing for a while? Then it’s time to take off unnecessary clothing and get out of the sun for a while. So off to the shadows! Then the pimples will soon disappear again. Anyone who discovers small heat pimples on their skin for the first time should, first of all, allow their body to cool down – ideally immediately. Are you wearing too warm clothing, or have you been sunbathing for a while? Then it’s time to take off unnecessary clothing and get out of the sun for a while. So off to the shadows! Then the pimples will soon disappear again.

Don’t Scratch The Heat Rash

Even if the small blisters itch uncomfortably: try to scratch them as little as possible. If you rub too much, you run the risk of the pimples becoming infected. Similar to a mosquito bite, you can relieve itching by tapping your fingers lightly. If that’s not enough, it is best to cool the pimples with a damp washcloth or cold compress.

You should also take care of your skin when drying off after showering or swimming – mainly if heat rashes have already formed. Instead of rubbing the skin dry with the towel, it’s better to pat it gently.

From Now On, Loose Clothing

Do your heat rashes keep coming back, or don’t they go away on their own? Your outfit could be to blame for that. In very tight clothing, the heat builds up faster between the skin and the fabric. Delicate garments made from natural materials such as cotton, linen or silk are more gentle on the skin in summer. Anyone who does sports should always wear breathable shirts and pants that allow sweat to evaporate quickly.

Stay Away From Creams

You should avoid rich body lotions and greasy sun creams if you have heat rashes. They also clog your pores and can make itchy blisters worse. Instead, choose a water-based UV protection that does not leave a greasy film on your skin or a sunscreen, especially for oily skin.

Treat Heat Rash With Home Remedies

Healing earth against heat pimples:

If you want to do something quickly against your heat pimples, you can alleviate the discomfort with a cooling healing earth mask . Healing clay soaks up the excess sweat that clogs the pores and soothes the skin. Mix the soil into a paste with a bit of water and then apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin. After 15 minutes of exposure, you can wash off the healing earth with water.

Instead of healing clay, you can also use corn flour. It is best to make sure that you use an organically grown product. This will prevent your skin from possibly contacting pesticides, which further irritate the heat rash.

Treat heat pimples with apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy that can be used for various small skin and hair problems. It has anti-inflammatory effects and also ensures that the pimples heal faster. Mix three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with about one liter of water and apply the mixture to the blisters with a cotton ball in the morning and evening.

ALSO READ: Itchy Scalp: These Tips And Home Remedies Will Help!


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